Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Personality Profile Test To Tell All About Yourself

Personality profile test is available on membership sites, to match you with members with similar interests and compatible needs.

Some dating sites have personality profile test forms online, so that you can be matched with prospective dates with similar needs. For example, you may be an IT professional who wants to meet another IT professional.

If you complete your personality profile test form correctly, then you will be matched with prospective dates from the IT industry. You can then choose from those with any further compatibility criteria that meet your needs.

Once you complete the personality profile test, a dating profile may be placed on the dating website, to attract interest from prospective dates.

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Sunday, 28 October 2007

Teen Relationship Advice And Resolving Difficult Issues

Teen relationship advice is offered online, in teen magazines and dedicated youth clubs. But the best advice, if a teenager is having relationship problems, is to refer the teen to professional counseling.

Especially when matters are getting worse and may lead to an emotional and depressive state. To prevent this state occurring, a professionally trained relationships counselor or a school counselor may give the best teen relationship advice.

Your main aim is to avoid deterioration of the current situation. If the current situation is getting worse, then refer the teen to professional counseling.

Some matters can be quickly resolved, especially if matters are fairly simple. But if there are serious issues like teen suicide, depression and teenage pregnancy, then a referral to the school counselor would be the best course of action.

A number of schools these days, have their own school counselor, but some students can be referred to a professional counseling service that could help resolve most issues.

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Thursday, 25 October 2007

Teen Chat Sites Are For Teens To Meet Online

Teen chat sites are fairly common on the internet. These sites cover a wide range of topics including teen dating and teen relationship advice.

The main aim of teen chat sites is for teens to meet other teens and exchange ideas. For example, there may be a problem with homework, looking for an answer from other teens on the site may help provide a solution. Rather than searching online for hours for a solution, another teen on the chat site may help solve the problem.

Teens helping other teens cope with homework, relationships, information and just someone to talk to. Someone their own age, who understands any problem they may have, or just as an escape from watching mindless television.

Some teens may be seeking other teens living in their area for prospective dates. They can visit teen dating sites and read the dating profiles of prospective teen dates and see which profiles appeal to them the most. There may be chat channels on the teen dating site where the teen can chat to the prospective date.

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Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Online Love In Online Communities

Online love can be found while visiting dating sites, chat sites or any other site where you can communicate online.

You may find someone who is compatible with your needs and they have been looking for you, while you have been looking for online love.

You can meet your next life friend, soul mate or penpal while looking for online love. You should also be on guard against deceptive people, like people who lie about their age, gender, employment, marriage and relationship status. There are people who go to teen sites and pretend to be teens.

The online community is reflection of general society. Most people online are quite honest, just be on the lookout for the dishonest ones.

There is bound to be someone looking for you, while you are looking for them. These people may be living in your neighborhood, in another part of town, interstate or even overseas.

Just be on the lookout for someone you feel compatible and you will find online love.

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Saturday, 20 October 2007

Mid Life Crisis Is Not A Time For Rash Decisions

Mid life crisis is when you look back through the years and you think you could have done better. You could have made better career choices, picked a better partner, chosen better dates.

Considering these choices should not lead to rash decisions, where unreasonable decisions are made with terrible consequences. Leaving your wife and family, leaving your current job without preparing for another job or start your own business without due diligence.

Looking for easy solutions to hard questions, is not a reasonable option, especially when in a mid life crisis.

You don’t want to find you lost your spouse on a whim, or that you quit a job that you really love. Just take your time and make sure you are making an informed decision and not a rash one done in a state of mind that might not be too stable.

Think of it like an annual review, where you might think about what you have done during the year and how you can improve the next year. If you want to leave your current job and start your own business, then you have to prepare for this change.

Only leave your current job when you are ready. The worst you can do is start a new job, or business with debts up to your eyeballs. See if you can delete most of your debts before you start a new business venture.

Another option is to accumulate savings so that you have enough to start a new business. For example, you may have not used up all your annual leave and you could get a nice payout when you leave.

There may be a downsize in your current place of work and will offer a renumeration for those wishing to leave. You can use this money to get your business going. You need to have a plan to succeed in your new business and take advantage of any offers available to move forward.

Plan to succeed and you will be a success in your new life. With success you will be out of your mid-life crisis.

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Thursday, 18 October 2007

Abusive Relationships And Looking For A Way Out

Abusive relationships can be due to physical, emotional or mental abuse. You may be able to see the effects of physical violence from the marks on the body, but emotional or mental abuse is more difficult to detect.

If you see someone crying, stressed out, they may be a victim of some form of abuse. The first step is to refer that person to professional counseling, to get professional advice to confirm if there is an abusive relationship and then work on a solution to end the stress on the relationship or how to end the relationship altogether without incurring further harm.

Seeing signs of any type of abuse can be confronting. When I was in college, I attended a party and there was a girl all covered in bruises. I have never seen anything like this before. I was shocked. You could see marks all over her arms, her legs, her face. It was awful. She was so brave to attend a party with bruises everywhere.

I asked her what happened and she said her partner keeps beating her up. I put her in touch with the college counselor to get some advice about how to get out of this abusive relationship.

It was the least I could do for my fellow student.

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Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Family Relationships And The Ties That Bind

Family relationships can be helpful in times of crisis, when you need support to overcome social pressures.

You may be coming to the end of a relationship and you need a shoulder to cry on. Quite often, a sister, a brother or a cousin can be your real friend or soul mate, who will lend you support and help with calming the transition period. To help you start looking for another partner.

Your family members are people you grew up with and you know each other inside out. You know how each other hurts and what not to say in order to avoid any conflict.

There are times when talking to family members about personal issues is rather difficult. This is the time when you need friends outside family relationships. I have found my best real friends and soul mates are people outside my direct family.

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Saturday, 13 October 2007

Dear John Letter Hope You Never Receive

Dear John letter is a letter to break off a relationship. The writer of the letter cannot say to your face that everything is off and I do not wish to see you again. It may even be considered the action of a weak character.

The dear John letter may be worse than having a mutual friend come and tell you the relationship between you and your partner is over. At least, hearing from a friend, you get to hear a voice and may even get some sympathy.

Just like the day I had to tell a male friend that his girlfriend did not want to see him anymore. He started to flirt with me and it was totally unexpected. I did not expect anything out of our friendship. We went out a couple of times, but I found him rather dull, so I did not return his calls anymore and never went out with him again.

I broke it off before it began. I did not even have to write a dear John letter as there was no real relationship there. I killed it off before it had a chance to grow into a long term relationship.

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