Considering these choices should not lead to rash decisions, where unreasonable decisions are made with terrible consequences. Leaving your wife and family, leaving your current job without preparing for another job or start your own business without due diligence.
Looking for easy solutions to hard questions, is not a reasonable option, especially when in a mid life crisis.
You don’t want to find you lost your spouse on a whim, or that you quit a job that you really love. Just take your time and make sure you are making an informed decision and not a rash one done in a state of mind that might not be too stable.
Think of it like an annual review, where you might think about what you have done during the year and how you can improve the next year. If you want to leave your current job and start your own business, then you have to prepare for this change.
Only leave your current job when you are ready. The worst you can do is start a new job, or business with debts up to your eyeballs. See if you can delete most of your debts before you start a new business venture.
Another option is to accumulate savings so that you have enough to start a new business. For example, you may have not used up all your annual leave and you could get a nice payout when you leave.
There may be a downsize in your current place of work and will offer a renumeration for those wishing to leave. You can use this money to get your business going. You need to have a plan to succeed in your new business and take advantage of any offers available to move forward.
Plan to succeed and you will be a success in your new life. With success you will be out of your mid-life crisis.
To read more Mid Life Crisis Is Not A Time For Rash Decisions

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