There is always a solution to every problem, the solution may be to discuss the situation with your partner. If this does not work, then help may be sought with a relationships counselor who can help heal the wounds and may offer solutions to maintain your relationship. Professional counseling advice may help release you from a marriage crisis.
You should always see a marriage crisis as a challenge to meet in a relationship. Working together, backing each other up all the way, you can help meet that challenge. First talk it out with your partner, then seek advice from friends and relatives. Depending on the seriousness of the challenge, you may need counseling.
The problem may be a sick child needing constant care. You may discuss with your doctor if the child needs to be hospitalised for a period of time to help overcome illness. This could help you to do other duties around the home, go to work, help maintain your relationship and solve your marriage crisis.
You may visit your child at hospital every day, feeling reassured your child is getting better with professional health care management.
To read more Marriage Crisis And Keeping Your Family Together