If you run a business from home, you may need to spend a lot of your time on the computer, but you can have breaks to spend time to meet your social responsibilities and building up your family relationships.
If you are not running a business from home, but you spend many hours on the computer, then you need to change your lifestyle, to spend more time with your family and friends. As computers and using the internet are getting cheaper does not mean your social activities like meeting friends, going out on dates and building up your relationships should suffer.
If you do not use your computer as part of your work, then you could ensure you only spend a maximum of one or two hours at a time on the computer. If you are using your computer as part of your home business, then you should have breaks where you can talk to your family and spend quality time building your family relationships.
Spending more time maintaining relationships with your family and friends, will help you wean off your computer addiction.
To read more Computer Addiction And Increasing Social Activities

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