It will help a customer service rep to point you in the right direction. No matter what gear you buy, at any price, be sure it is of good quality. You'll appreciate it if you find yourself in a dire situation.
When taking a trip that requires more than a days traveling time, it is important not only to bring the essential backpacking gear, but to add some other essential items to the list.
You have to eat and therefore you have to bring fire starter material and items to help you prepare meals. Be sure you have a tent and sleeping bag suitable for the nighttime climate. A map and a GPS (Global Positioning System) device are things you shouldn't leave home without.
When shopping for backpacking gear, make sure it is of good quality and you have included a survival guide before you hit the open trail. If you have a cell phone, then you should include that in your list of supplies, as many lost people have been rescued solely because of the signal put out by their cellular phone.
So, hit the outdoors supply store in your neighborhood and get all the quality backpacking equipment you'll need for that trip of yours, and remember to have fun!
To read more Backpacking Gear For Your Next Trip

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