On the card you can invite her to a dinner date, where you can be together without any interruptions. If you have children, you can arrange for the babysitter to look after your children for the night. Spending time together allows time to work out any issues in your relationship and clearing out any misunderstandings.
If you have been away from your sweetheart and you really miss her, but you are not sure how to break the deadlock, you can send a bunch of her favourite flowers. White roses are always romantic, red roses are so common, but to increase the variation, you can always mix one red rose with a bunch of white roses. On the card you may say the red rose is your heart beating. You may even ask her to put her ear close to the red rose and she could hear your heart beating.
Using creative license, can show you have made the effort to be together and you will be together again, just by sending flowers.
To read more Make Your Move By Sending Flowers

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