Often overambitious cruisers will get only a taste of the vacation they desire if they try to schedule too much. Therefore, the best way to cruise the Mediterranean is to choose an itinerary that is rich but affords you enough time in each area to experience the city's culture, whether it's Rome, Barcelona, Dubrovnik or Athens.
Even more popular are the Eastern Mediterranean cruises, which take passengers from eastern Italian cities like Venice and Bari, around to Greek cities like Athens, Mykonos, Crete and Katakolon, to Turkish cities like Istanbul and Bosphorous, to Croatian cities like Dubrovnik.
Many Mediterranean cruises offer itineraries that take you to the place where Olympic athletes first competed, to 15th century bazaars where you can shop until your heart's content. You'll dine at sophisticated outdoor cafes, view world-famous artwork and visit UNESCO world heritage sites. Each stop the Mediterranean cruise ship makes will show visitors a different atmosphere, which is probably why it's such a popular choice.
With the growing popularity of Mediterranean cruises, many cruise lines are offering itineraries featuring both Eastern and Western stops. Some voyages shuttle between Rome and Athens or Venice and include stops in Lisbon, Barcelona and Rome as well. Other routes take off from Civitavecchia/Rome or Barcelona and stop in Venice, Naples, Santorini, Corfu, Dubrovnik, Malta, Santorini, Piraeus, Athens and Palermo.
A number of ships also send out little pathfinders to explore hard-to-reach destinations. When you cruise Mediterranean waters, it can be hard to cram in all the sights but you'll get a nice overview of the region for future exploring down the road.
To read more Most Rewarding Getaways Are Mediterranean Cruises

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