Saturday, 22 August 2009

Vacation Ideas With Swap Homes

If you want to swap homes as part of your vacation, then you have two choices. One way is to trade homes for an agreed upon length of time, where party A stays in party B's home, and vice versa. That's the standard homeswap. The other option is to do something similar called a hospitality exchange.

In this situation, party A stays in party B's home, but party B doesn't leave. Instead, party B takes on the role of a host and provides party A with information about the area, invites them to meals, and could even act as a chauffer/tour guide, all depending on the agreement.

If you swap homes as part of your vacation, then you are usually able to save a significant amount of money; money that would otherwise have gone to pay for staying in a hotel.

With hospitality exchanges, the same holds true, except that often a certain fee will be required to offset costs like household items, gas and food, and anything else that might be used during your stay. These are the kinds of things that the visitor would pay for anyway, if it was a traditional case of a homes exchange and the host was not present.

Don't swap homes if you are not open to new experiences, and if you are not prepared to deal with strangers in your house. The same advice is applicable for hospitality exchanges too.

A lot of problems can be eliminated by setting out expectations and passing on information beforehand. This will help make the experience for everyone a positive one, and encourage others to try an exchange themselves.

To read more Vacation Ideas With Swap Homes

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