Friday, 28 May 2010

Emotions And Emotional Fulfillment Inspire The Meaning Of Dreams

Scientifically speaking, dreaming occurs during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep, which occurs approximately every 90 minutes during sleep. This state of sleep is also found in fetuses and hypnotized patients. It's believed that the average person spends as much as two hours each night in the deep world of dreams.

However, people who are extremely depressed or stressed may spend six hours or more dreaming each night. So how does one find the meaning of dreams? Is there any scientific dream analysis or research being done to help us interpret the meaning of these vivid, surreal experiences?

Psychologist Dr. Joseph Griffin PhD discovered that the meaning of dreams is particularly inspired by emotions and emotional fulfillment. For example, if you became angry with your spouse, shouted at him and then made up, then the "emotional expectation" was played out.

Therefore, you are unlikely to continue to dream about this conflict. However, if you were upset with your boss at work, but you had to repress your feelings for fear of losing your job, then you will suffer an emotional build-up with no outlet -- besides your dream world.

Later that night, you will likely dream out a metaphorical scenario that releases the dam of emotions, completes the emotional circuit, and leaves your brain fresh for the following day. "Dreaming is like an emotional flush system," Dr. Griffin summarizes.

It's tempting to try to dissect every dream symbol we encounter and ponder the pieces. However, it's possible that time to dream is simply necessary to refresh the body and mind for the next day.

"One thing to consider is that dreams are physiological events that involve not just the brain but, to a varying degree, the whole body, though generally not our voluntary muscles," says Craig Webb, executive director of the DREAMS Foundation, a non-profit organization in Montreal.

He explains that the meaning of dreams is sometimes just to help us on a physiological level to "rebalance body and brain chemistry, but without necessarily offering a lot of insights at an interpretive level."

To read more Emotions And Emotional Fulfillment Inspire The Meaning Of Dreams

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