Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Men Attracting Women With Dating Tactics

There’s nothing wrong with men learning dating tactics to pick up a woman. However, it is important to underline the intention here. Using the pickup artist techniques to meet women and to help a man get the woman who would still go out with him is different than a man with the same techniques to exploit women.

Now, you may want to know what are these skills, techniques, and dating tactics? They cover everything from getting men to cause women to chase them, to a man making a woman more willing to give up her phone number, by increasing her interest in him.

These are not methods to trick women into doing something they would not want to do. So what’s the problem?

The problem is that when you make it a game that many men do, and to be fair, a set of tactics presented as rules does so well, it is a degrading experience and may even make women feel like they are playthings.

Not many people would like to be the subject of a game, especially when there are emotions and real human beings involved.

To read more Men Attracting Women With Dating Tactics

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