Friday, 30 January 2009

Tips For Happy Valentine Love Letter

Surprisingly, expressing your feelings in private is much easier than trying to conjure up a movie script line on-the-spot. This is why the best way to make a Happy Valentine sentiment is through a personal letter.

Sure, Valentine Day cards have become a billion dollar industry, but that doesn't mean you have to jump on the band wagon. In fact, most women sigh when they receive another cliché card. Much of the widespread distaste for St Valentines Day is related to the fact that it's become so commercialized. Writing your thoughts down on paper is not as insurmountable as you may think.

Of course, once your letter has been written, you will need to look over the technicalities of your Happy Valentine message to be sure it all flows. For example, you may not want a coral snake on the stamp; instead opt for a Cupid or bouquet of flowers. Remember, it's all about the overall package and presentation.

Writing your Valentines cards or love poems by hand is always preferable, but sometimes it is just not feasible. If you are writing, then test out a few pens before you give it a go and be sure to use a professional looking black. However, if you have barely legible handwriting, then opt for typing. Choose a romantic cursive font like "French Style Script" or "Kunstler Script."

Be sure the fonts are enlarged enough to read. If your relationship is just beginning, then a short and flirtatious letter is best. If you are in a long distance relationship, go long. For others, write until the thoughts run out. Be aware that you may need a first draft and a fancy piece of stationary to make the best impression for your romantic Valentines letter.

If you want to send a more unconventional Happy Valentine greeting, you can try an audio letter, reading your written words. A creative twist for your music loving gal would be to write on a CD with a golden pen and have her pull on a tab to read it.

In some cases, a video message may be more your style. Others like to write a jar full of folded up messages that express romantic Valentines feelings. Whichever way you choose, she's bound to melt if it comes straight from the heart.

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Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Love Help And Valentines Day Misconceptions

On St Valentines Day many men desperately seek love help to be sure they don't mess up this big day. Whether it is a brand new relationship or a marriage, reading a woman's wants, needs and expectations can be anything but straight-forward.

For example, when asked what she wants to do, she might say, "I don't care," yet is cross if she ends up at a sports bar. Other times, one might imagine that Valentine roses and chocolates could do no harm, but she remains unimpressed at this traditional, common gesture. To crack the nut, one must first consider some of the myths surrounding Valentines Day.

Another popular misconception of Valentines Day is that "it is ok to skip it because we're saving money for a vacation together." This is a classic excuse of couples who are living together or in a serious relationship. Love help experts say that even though both of you are on the same page, she will still have that inevitable sinking feeling to know that everyone else is celebrating but her.

In the back of her mind, she might wonder, "Well how much does a Valentine Day card or a bubble bath together cost?" There are many things to do on a budget: go ice-skating, pack her favorite foods into a picnic basket, rent a movie, give her a massage, or buy her Valentines Day chocolate truffles. Don't miss this golden opportunity to win bonus points!

Lastly, don't feel obligated to get her something really expensive or really cheesy-romantic. Sometimes it's the little things that mean so much. You can buy her a monogrammed robe and slippers to keep at your house if you're getting serious or you can buy her a board game if you want to keep things light.

Perhaps you can buy a Kama Sutra massage book with some essential oils to plan a sultry activity together. If you're looking for love help, understand that the secret to success is to custom-tailor your own gifts to each other and thoughtfully plan out-of-the-ordinary activities to enjoy together. If you can pull it off, she'll be floating all year long.

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Monday, 26 January 2009

Finding Better Romantic Getaway Ideas For Valentines Day

If you've saved all year long and have "bogarted" all of your vacation time, then why not plan something really special for Valentines Day? The web is brimming with romantic Valentines destinations in the US, Canada, Europe and elsewhere.

You can escape the February chill on a tropical island or embrace the snow at a mountain ski resort. Perhaps there are destinations you and your partner have always wanted to visit, yet if you are stumped, then check out these fool-proof romantic locations.

Italy is another popular destination for Valentines Day. There's much more to Venice than just its serenaded gondola rides down the Grand Canal, although that would be an appropriate St Valentines Day treat. Masked balls, historic palaces and fine dining are just some of the romantic Valentines activities to choose from.

Be sure to see the architecture in St. Mark's Square. In Tuscany, Italy, you can revel in the ancient remnants of the Italian Renaissance; architecture, paintings, sculptures, music and topiary creations. In Florence, you may visit Italy's best fine art museum, the Uffizi Gallery, and take a romantic wander through the Boboli Gardens. The Pitti Palace next door is also a sight to behold, with its intense flora and city-view.

If you're looking to remain stateside for Valentines Day, then you can wine and dine in Sonoma Valley, California, home to over 40 wineries. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride through the countryside and hop a train down to San Francisco to experience the arts. Flagstaff, Arizona offers a romantic Valentines Day with a diverse background, ranging from mountains and forests to desert.

Arizona is also home to world-renowned spas and top-rated PGA golf courses. Key West, Florida is another warmer US destination, which offers a St. Valentines Day filled with palm trees, aqua ocean and Mallory Dock nightlife. For active couples, Colorado and Vermont are the snow lover's hotspots. No matter what you choose, be sure you and your partner are on the same page to ensure a carefree trip.

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Saturday, 24 January 2009

Shopping For Happy Valentines Day Gifts For Your Guy

To ensure a Happy Valentines Day for him, you may have to think a little bit differently, experts say. A recent study by IOGEAR Inc. found that 61% of men would rather receive a tech gadget than traditional Valentines Day chocolate gifts or flowers. Instead, the top choices were portable music players, GPS systems, Bluetooth cell-phone headsets and plasma TVs. "Our poll shows that gadgets are now the way to a man's heart," explains IOGEAR president Miranda Su.

Yes, even guys view jewelry and accessories as "Happy Valentines Day" wishes that say "forever." Some guys can be picky, but if you think you've got impeccable taste, then you may opt for a quality wrist watch. The Kenneth Cole Reaction watch and the Citizen Men's Skyhawk Eco-Drive Watch are two stylishly functional options. Another option for the business professional is gold plated watch cufflinks, which will make him stand-out from the crowd.

Check! If you want to get something more personalized-yet-functional, you can try the Sterling Locket Cuff Links for $129 at, which allows you to sneak two photos inside the sterling-silver jewelry. Particularly sentimental fellows may appreciate a sterling silver men's ID bracelet, engraved with your romantic Valentine love message.

Every relationship is different, of course, and personal taste must be taken into account. If your man always has his nose in a book, then it would probably be best to peruse the book store for a specially chosen selection. If he's particularly amorous, perhaps he'd like a surprise from the adult store!

A Happy Valentines Day happens naturally when you've taken a person's individual interests into consideration and picked something special. However, if you're planning to spend big bucks on your honey's Valentines gift, then be sure to let him know ahead of time! Nothing can make a guy feel worse than feeling like a cheapskate.

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Thursday, 22 January 2009

Happy Valentines For Long Distance Lovers

Valentines Day cards just can't say enough when you're wishing a long-distance love a Happy Valentines. You may feel like you want to go over and beyond expectations to melt your lover's heart and fan the ardent flames.

There are many ways to show that you care, even from thousands of miles away. Valentines gifts are more important, given your inability to simply plan an outing, but don't let this discourage you. Planning a memorable surprise is easier than you may think!

If your Happy Valentines love isn't quite so distant (within driving distance), then try sending three gifts to open (numbering them to be opened in a particular order). The first could be a picture of the both of you, with the caption "This is for when you miss me."

The second Valentines gift can be a phone card, with the caption "This is for when you miss me a lot." The last gift can be a gas card, saying "This is for when you really really miss me." You might also want to check out to plan a weekend getaway at a nearby bed-and-breakfast to spice up the romance. Sending flowers (for girls) or chocolate (for guys) to your partner's place of employment can be a nice brag-worthy gesture in your absence too.

No matter which St. Valentines Day gift you choose, seize this opportunity to do something special. A Happy Valentines celebration depends upon your thoughtful planning. You needn't kill yourself deciding which gesture will mean the most.

Just scan your brain and your heart for what hurts the most about being apart and try to send something that will alleviate some of that pain. Is it missing his/her face, smell, touch or laugh? Be creative, but most importantly be real.

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Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Better Valentines Day Gifts For Your Sweetheart

Welcome to the New Millennium of gift giving. The tradition of giving grocery store Valentine roses and Godiva chocolates as Valentines Day gifts has endured for decades to bail out those thoughtless saps who spaced and forgot all about the significance behind February 14th. Yes, it's true, something is better than nothing in this case, but a little bit of forethought can go a long way and leave your sweetheart warm and fuzzy throughout those long winter months.

If you're looking to really "wow" her with your Valentines Day gifts, then you might want to do a little upscale apparel shopping. Cashmere sweaters from TSE ($325+ at Saks Fifth Avenue) are considered some of the highest quality, professional-looking attire money can buy.

If you want to see what she'd look like in Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera and Carmen Electra lingerie, then check out the collection at Agent Provocateur, the lingerie line of the stars. It may cost you a couple hundred dollars for a full ensemble, but any guy will tell you, it will be well worth it! Any Valentines Day gift ideas you can find at Tiffany and Co would be the perfect jewelry selection. There are a number of necklaces, bracelets and earrings in the $100-$200 range.

Perfume can be one of those humdrum Valentines Day gifts that show little imagination, so it should generally be avoided. In a 2007 BizRate Research survey, women rated "cleaning products" to be the most insulting and all-around worst Valentines gifts ever. While that high-tech vacuum or "Sham-Wow" on the infomercials may look enticing, you must resist! Otherwise, she may think you're insinuating something.

Additionally, gift certificates, while seemingly ideal, can appear too much like an ill-prepared last-minute purchase. Food is another loser gift if you rely solely on that. As a compliment it can work, yet that box of Godiva chocolates isn't going to impress anyone.

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Sunday, 18 January 2009

Using Zodiac Signs To Find Compatibility

Did you know that today the zodiac sign of your birth says that you will overspend and will not have enough money to cover your bills if you indulge? Whether or not this is true is entirely up to what you believe.

Each of the zodiac signs, according to astrology, can foretell how you are going to act in any given situation and how love will impact you. Do you believe in the power of astrology or is it something that you read simply to pass the time at work?

The first known celestial coordinates come to mankind from the stars. The zodiac signs were used to determine one's place in the universe and were navigational guides in the darkened sky. The ecliptic, or the cycle of the twelve stations along the sun's path, through the heavens was a valuable tool. Later, the science of astronomy became less interested in the prediction of one's day and love life, and more upon the science of the stars.

There is more to the zodiac signs than simple prognostications about the future and any zodiac sign compatibility. The stars have long been a guiding factor in navigational systems. But science departed from the path that astrology used and astronomy became a legitimate science in the eyes of mankind versus the world of astrology.

It comes down to it being a choice of science over mysticism. Do you believe that the stars control your destiny and your love life?

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Friday, 16 January 2009

Searching For Romance With Love Astrology

This is the time of year when marriages are happening quite often. It seems as if there is a new wedding each and every weekend. Love is definitely in the air and people are looking for their perfectly compatible mate. Love astrology is there to help them understand what characteristics motivate their partner and themselves.

Yet it is not perfect and should not be taken as the gospel truth. It is more of a generalized prediction based on averages. You may be the zodiac sign Libra and your partner a Leo. Who knows if your love will actually work?

Love astrology works by comparing the zodiac sign of your birth with that of the astrology sign that best compliments your particular strengths and weaknesses.

There are cases of opposing zodiac signs working, yet often the astrology report will mention that great lengths must be taken in order to overcome the differences. It is not often that two people with the same astrology sign will be harmonious with each other, but it does happen.

Love astrology does work for some people. The key is to believe in what the astrologer is forecasting and telling you about your own personality. Some things may be inaccurate and some may be dead on. It is up to each individual person to decide the best astrology forecast for him or herself.

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Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Astrology Birth Charts

Many people passionately believe that the future can be divined by the positions of the planets and sun and moon. Astrology may not be a science, but it has still proven to be eerily accurate. In this article, we'll uncover how the heavens may impact life here on earth.

Each moment in time is significant in astrology. By focusing on the time of an individual's birth, an astrologer can uncover existential information about them, because it is believed that there is a meaningful link between when someone is born and the qualities inherent to his personality.

Astrologers study our birth charts to gain insight into our potential ways of being, gifts, challenges, opportunities and internal conflicts. By using astrology, people can make meaningful choices about the direction of their future.

Astrology is not meant to predict the future. Instead, individuals are supposed to use the information provided by the heavens to make good decisions about their life. The outcome of one's fate is still a matter of personal choice. While astrology may seem implausible to some people, others truly believe that their destiny is written in the stars.

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Monday, 12 January 2009

Finding Romance With Your Love Horoscope

If true love seems to be eluding you, perhaps you should consider letting the universe be your matchmaker. Astrologers believe that the stars and planets can lead you to the person destined to be the love of your life. In this article, we'll show you how your love horoscope can bring romance into your life.

Horoscopes are based on the positions of the sun, moon and planets at the time of your birth. Those positions are believed to influence your character, your personality and your destiny. Your love horoscope focuses on your individual characteristics and compatibilities as they relate to your romantic relationships.

This astrological forecast is intended to give you a better understanding of yourself and your natural compatibility with others. It also gives you a better understanding of your partner, their behaviors, and their compatibility with you.

While some signs are not the most compatible, that doesn't necessarily mean that a romantic relationship is impossible. These incompatible signs, though more challenging, could turn out to be the love of your life.

Love isn't always easy and you may still find difficulties to overcome, but being with someone that your love horoscope doesn't think is best can be exciting. If your heart is telling you that you've found your soul mate, then you should listen!

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Saturday, 10 January 2009

Chocolates Sweets For Your Favourite Friends

There are times when it seems that your day has gone wrong at every turn and you feel like you are struggling to swim up stream, yet one thing that can turn the whole day around and make things better is a delicious chocolate treat. In so many instances, chocolates sweets can be just the thing that is needed to turn things around and make the day brighter.

People often say that a smile is one of the most fundamental and universally understood expressions that communicate joy and happiness, in every language and in every country around the globe. The great thing is that a box full of chocolates sweets will most definitely bring smiles to faces almost instantly and create a sense of goodwill and friendliness.

At the very least, popping a couple chocolates sweets in your mouth to savor at the end of a tough day can often serve to provide that touch of sweetness that everyone needs at least once a day. It is often the simple things that help a person to get through challenging days. Something as simple as a little chocolate treat can be just the thing to do the job.

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Thursday, 8 January 2009

Boomer Women Can Do Anything

For the first time in history, women waved goodbye to conventional female roles of child rearing and housekeeping to seek self-satisfaction. They delayed marriage, they slept with multiple partners, they experimented with drugs and alcohol, they protested for their rights and they eventually gained the right to vote and entry into college, as well as the working force.

The 41 million boomer women are a radical bunch indeed who will forever alter the societal landscape. But with all these big changes, is the baby boomer retirement prospect looking bleak?

Additionally, boomer women are feeling more sexually empowered than previous generations. Perhaps this goes back to the capriciousness of their youth, growing up during the advent of birth control and the "free love" atmosphere of the sixties and seventies. A recent survey revealed that 82% of baby boomer women are "very" or "somewhat" confident sexually (Elexa by Trojan Survey of Women and Desire). T

hese scores were much lower for younger women (64% for Gen Y), which shows that baby boomers age gracefully. Only 17% of female baby boomers believe that a woman's sexual peak is in her twenties and over half the population stated they knew what it took to light their fires. Two-thirds of women agreed that having good sex is a priority in their lives. As a result, sex products, sex therapists and magazine articles alike have been targeted to the baby boomer demographic.

The media portrayal of baby boomer women has shifted over the years. Their mother's generation was portrayed as the "Doris Day" sweet, wholesome woman who always put family first. Their daughters were raised with a "can do anything" attitude, which was exacerbated by the Vietnam War, Civil Right's movement and Women's Lib.

First ladies like Jackie Onassis and Hillary Rodham Clinton became the new model for female success and self-fulfillment.

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Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Valentines Day Ideas To Help Light The Spark

Valentines Day ideas may include escaping together for a romantic getaway, to find that spark in your relationship. Spending quality time together allows you to escape from the concrete jungle.

You do not have to take a long vacation, it can be just a couple of days, a weekend together. This may be all you need to find out, why you are together. You may realise you are together because there is love and caring for each other. You may even be soul mates, helping each other out, to escape from the challenges life throws at you.

There are many places nowadays, where you can escape for the weekend, just the two of you. There are vacation packages where you can rent a cottage, time share and ideal vacation rental spots close to tourist attractions. The many possibilities these days, are endless. Many of these places are now offering greatly reduced prices, due to the current economic crisis, so you do not need to empty out your bank account in order to spend quality time with your partner.

You may want to light the spark and rejuvenate your relationship, to feel how you felt when you were dating before you married. Spending time away together, just the two of you may be the spark you need. You may want to spend a couple of days, a week or two weeks. If you both have the time, you may want to travel to different vacation spots close to your local area. You do not need to fly to another state, just to go on vacation.

There are always plenty of local tourist spots, all you have to do is search online and you will find many Valentines Day ideas.

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Sunday, 4 January 2009

Gift Shopping During The Holidays

While many people enjoy shopping, they may not necessarily enjoy it when they have to specifically go Christmas gift shopping. If that sounds like you, then you may want to consider starting a gift "closet, drawer, box, etc." That probably sounds a bit strange, yet it can work. The basic idea is to set aside an area or a box you easily store somewhere and continuously fill it with gifts for those you shop for regularly.

This does not have to be strictly for any specific holiday gift shopping, but you should keep your eyes open for any items that may be given as gifts for any unexpected occasion or event. You can pick up gift baskets for housewarming parties, as well as blankets or clothes for a baby gift basket.

Candles and stationery are also good items to have on hand too. Be sure that when you bring the items home that you put them directly into the gift closet or whatever area you have designated so that you will know right where they are when you need them.

Of course, it is much simpler to get your holiday shopping out of the way early, say in August. However, if that is not possible, then there are a few things you may want to consider trying. For instance, try to do your gift shopping early in the morning when the stores open or even at dinner time, as the stores will be less crowded.

Also, think about purchasing some or all of your gifts online, as more and more savvy shoppers are doing these days.

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Thursday, 1 January 2009

Romancing With Flowers

Some people feel that giving flowers as gifts has been overdone and does not feel like anything special any longer. However, with a little bit of creativity they still make great gifts for the special people in your life. For Mother's Day, there is nothing as special as telling your mom thank you and saying it with a bouquet of blooms and a box of goodies.

You can get busy with gifts crafts and make your own gift basket with a little bit of material, ribbons and a hot glue gun, which can be used for decorating. When fresh blooms are not an option, consider baking some flower cookies; with some icing, script an "I love you" or two.

If you need some ideas of what to give as a present but are not quite sure if flowers are enough, then try incorporating some photos into the arrangement. This is done by cutting out pictures and mounting them on magnetic sheets and then attaching them to the sticks that florists use to hold the gift cards that are placed in the arrangements. This way, part of the gift lasts forever as memories.

Everyone knows that sending flowers is pretty much the norm on certain occasions, such as when a new baby is born or for certain holidays, like Valentines Day or Mother's Day. The best motivation of all to send an arrangement or even a single flower is for no reason at all; it is not expected, yet will be thoroughly enjoyed.

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