Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Astrology Birth Charts

Many people passionately believe that the future can be divined by the positions of the planets and sun and moon. Astrology may not be a science, but it has still proven to be eerily accurate. In this article, we'll uncover how the heavens may impact life here on earth.

Each moment in time is significant in astrology. By focusing on the time of an individual's birth, an astrologer can uncover existential information about them, because it is believed that there is a meaningful link between when someone is born and the qualities inherent to his personality.

Astrologers study our birth charts to gain insight into our potential ways of being, gifts, challenges, opportunities and internal conflicts. By using astrology, people can make meaningful choices about the direction of their future.

Astrology is not meant to predict the future. Instead, individuals are supposed to use the information provided by the heavens to make good decisions about their life. The outcome of one's fate is still a matter of personal choice. While astrology may seem implausible to some people, others truly believe that their destiny is written in the stars.

To read more Astrology Birth Charts

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