Being together, having children and growing old gracefully is the stuff of many fairy tales. Reality is that many couples end in the divorce court at the first serious challenge to their relationship. Instead of looking for solutions to maintain their relationship, they look for a quick fix.
These days of the drive thru marriage and quickie divorce, there needs to be greater attempts to find solutions that will please both sides. Some people need to change their ways as they grow older. They cannot continue to live their lives the same way as before they were married. Marriage has many pressures and responsibilities.
Once you are in a serious relationship like a marriage, you cannot keep drinking to excess every night after work, coming home drunk as a skunk and then beating the wife cause there is nothing to eat. This kind of relationship will not last as there can never an excuse for domestic violence.
If there is no abuse in your relationship, but your relationship is going downhill, cause your children have grown and there are no more challenges to meet in your relationship, then you need to make a bigger effort to stay together. You could start over again, as if you were dating for the first time. This may help you find the reason why you wanted to marry this wonderful woman. The reason you saw true love.
After all, marriage is forever, as promised at the altar, "till death do us part". But if the couple stays together for the sake of the children and then find out how they really dislike each once the children have gone, then the solution is to find reasons to like each other.
If you stay true and honest with each other, and do not stray from each other, you should be able to find true love.
To read more Finding True Love In A Relationship

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