Perhaps it's an antique piece of furniture that's just been collecting dust, a piece of old jewelry, a knick-knack, baked goods or an article of clothing that no longer fits.
The proceeds can then go toward organizing future family reunions, which will take some of the stress off the family reunion planner. With a little creativity, your family reunion can be the best it's ever been.
Planning family reunion events can encourage friendly competition and be a rite-of-initiation for new spouses, boyfriends and coming-of-age teens. Active outdoor games like football or volleyball are great for younger and middle aged family member bonding, while they also entertain the older family members who get to cheer from the sidelines.
An excellent game for family members of all ages is a water balloon toss. To play, you simply fill up water balloons and have your relatives form two lines across from one another. Simultaneously, each partner tosses the balloon to their cohort. If the cohorts catch the balloons, then everyone moves one step back.
If a family member drops the balloon, both individuals are eliminated. This continues on until only two family members remain the victors! These outdoor activities make fun family reunions the best they can be.
Planning family reunion festivities sometimes requires a bit of forethought. For instance, when you send out the family reunion invitations, you could ask each family member to bring a baby picture with them to the gathering.
You can then assemble all the pictures on a bulletin board, next to a corresponding number. Then you can pass out numbered sheets of paper and have the other family members try to guess who is who.
The person who guesses the most correct wins! Sometimes the game will be funny because the current set of babies will be obvious guesses! Some of the older family members may have such antique-looking photos, they'll be easier to guess too, but some of the middle-aged family members may be a real mystery.
It's always fun to see what photos people feel best represents themselves too.
To read more Planning Family Reunion Festivities For A Night To Remember

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