In that simple card and envelope, you need to inspire some of your faraway relatives to buy a plane ticket or take a long road trip to this worthwhile event. You want the family reunion to look organized, fun, important and enticing. While you could save a few bucks by printing out your own ragtag invites, you may want to consider some of these more innovative family reunion ideas.
Another creative idea for family reunion invites is to make a family calendar, with the date of the next reunion printed on it. If you choose this sneaky route, be sure you stick a post-it note to the cover, hinting to look very closely at the month of the reunion, so they don't miss it!
Creating a family reunion memories calendar is ideal for families who have had many gatherings in the past because you can use photos of past reunions for each month, which your family members will just love!
A good place to go for your family calendar needs is FedEx/Kinkos, which does 12-month calendars for $19.99 or 18-month calendars for $24.99 a piece. They allow you to use different photos for each month, so you can really pack a lot of memories in.
As the family reunion planner, you may be concerned about getting a tally for attendees at your big event. One idea for family reunion response eliciting is to use online invitations from a family reunion web site like
This website will let respondents RSVP with the click of a button, making the process as easy as reading the invite itself. They'll also be able to see who else has responded (which sometimes ups the count too), leave notes, announce what they'll be bringing and view other updated details about the party.
Best yet, the website also has built-in features like "Request a Response" and "Send a Reminder," which can automatically zing out additional emails to family members as the date draws near.
To read more Showing Your Thoughts With An Idea For Family Reunion Invitation

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