With their ongoing fight for rights and recognition in society, one might simply assume that they would want to participate in the giving of floral arrangements, chocolate, and all the rest of the celebrations.
But some in these communities, who aren't even sure they want to partake of the institutions of heterosexuality, have doubts that they should participate in this festival either.
Yet there are those who would be quite willing to take part in Valentine Day celebrations on a larger scale, if the options were made available to them.
In 2008, Rich Ferraro of the Out Front Blog (http://www.fhoutfront.com/2008/02/gay-teddy-bears.html) did some searches to see what sort of unique Valentine gift, suited to the GLBT community, might be offered by the major retailers.
He found almost nothing, except a few gay-themed cards and the usual more generic floral arrangements and gender neutral merchandise. Ferraro believes the big retailers are ignoring a financial gold mine by ignoring the GLBT market.
Heterosexual couples think of Valentine Day in an almost matter-of-fact way, as one among many other institutions they simply take for granted. They might be surprised to discover that what is usually just a fun, romantic day for them might be the focus of so much either/or thinking among gays and lesbians.
Do they want to be part of the mainstream, or do they stay outside it? Should they stick to "gay" companies that offer gay-only options for the day, or should they repudiate the concept altogether? The right choice isn't necessarily an obvious one.
To read more Everyone Should Celebrate Valentine Day

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