Most of the initial conversation is about searching to find out if you are compatible. If you find you work in a similar field, you may discuss a little about work and future career plans.
If you are really still looking for something to break the ice, you can go to the last hope and ask her about hobbies. She may play the piano and you play the guitar, you want to have a little jam session making music together on your next date.
During your conversations, you will get an idea if you are interested in seeing her again and if she is interested in arranging another date. If she keeps eye contact, smiles, laughs at your jokes and continues the conversation, then she is sending you positive signals. Especially if your first date runs for hours on end and you did not realise time has flown so quickly.
This is the time to arrange for the next date. Stay in touch over the next few days, just in case she has questions, or you may want to confirm details of the next meeting place.
Even though this may be your second date, you should have received new ideas about what pleases her and if you do not want her to escape from your affections, then you should make every effort to please her.
For example she may like to see a new movie that has just arrived at the cinemas. You ask her to see the movie together and then take her to a nearby restaurant and discuss the movie. Your second date is much easier, as you know more about her personality and have more of an idea what she is like.
She may have looked nice in the photo, but it may have been taken years ago. She may have looked better when online dating with webcams, so that you can see her talking to you.
But now you are on a physical date together, you have better ideas with first date conversation starters.
To read more Making A Good Impression With First Date Conversation Starters

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