Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Children Affected By Bad Parenting

Far too many people make the assumption that bad parenting comes from poorly educated or poor families. This is simply not true. Abuse can be hidden in the homes of the rich or even in seemingly wonderful households.

The nature of abuse is secretive. Good parenting skills would be a blessing if each child received them but there are families that are rife with bad parenting.

Children deserve a loving home free from the crimes of bad parenting. Abuse leaves a lasting mark on the psyche of the child causing him or her to extend that psychological damage into every sphere of their lives.

It can manifest itself through bullying other children or a rebellion against the world in general. There is no way to rank one form of abuse as worse than the others but it is certain that sexual abuse can traumatize the individual for life.

In perfect world there would be loving homes and parents for every child. Child abuse would never happen and bad parenting would be a Boogeyman story. Unfortunately this is not true and likely not to happen.

Children can be taken from the abusive home and placed in foster care or a state run institution but far too often horror stories emerge on how awful these would-be refuges can be.

To read more Children Affected By Bad Parenting

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