One parent may be strict while the other adopts a more laid back mentality. There is not a definite way to raise children as most parents find out along the path from childhood to adulthood.
Gay parenting styles are not the only ones to come under fire. Ultra Christian groups come under the microscope of public attention for their beliefs as well.
Opponents believe that the children are ill prepared for the outside world and will have intolerance to different view points or way of life. Is this actually true? Are these opinions and arguments based on solid evidence?
People will never agree on what the best way to raise a child is. It involves a complicated process to implement discipline into a child's life. One method of child rearing may not work for another.
Children are not carbon copies of each other and neither are parents. As long as the child is provided for and given a safe home environment in which they are loved, it is often enough. Opinions and parenting styles will come and go but the bond of parent and child can last a lifetime.
To read more Many Types Of Parenting Styles

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