You can be certain that few women are really going to be attracted to some guy who is clearly flirting just for the sake of picking up women to take them to bed. A guy who is flirting, on the other hand, to have a good time and see to it that the women are enjoying themselves, is going to be much more interesting and attractive.
So how do you change your attitude about how to flirt with women? Carlos Xuma at the website suggests that men feel and act desperate because of a feeling of scarcity, as though if they don't immediately hook up with the few women out there, they've lost their last chance.
He suggests flirting to give and not to get, making the atmosphere fun and then leaving without giving or getting a phone number for the first twenty times you meet women. This builds both confidence and a feeling of abundance, and takes off the pressure.
Your biggest asset in how to flirt with women is self-esteem. If you recognize your own value and refuse to sacrifice it just to pick somebody up in a bar or club, you will learn to flirt without worrying about the ultimate outcome.
Enjoy yourself, be humorous and charming, and just have a good time. Your comfort in your own skin and your willingness to accept that not every encounter will result in sex or getting a phone number will make you attractive right from the start, and create interest on the women's side.
To read more How To Flirt With Women Using Your Charm And Humour

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