Remember, though, as you learn to flirt, that the most important thing is to be yourself. If you try to change too much about yourself, you'll become so awkward and self-conscious that guys are likely to be turned off rather than intrigued. So enjoy who you are, and let the flirting games begin!
Be playful when you flirt with a guy, though not to the extent of being goofy or laughing like a maniac over nothing. All this really means is that you should be relaxed and have fun, not worrying about being perfect.
Try to help the boy be at ease, because he might be uncomfortable too. Be casual and friendly, make eye contact, and touch him once in a while; maybe brushing a hair off his shirt or putting a hand on his arm when you talk. Learn to flirt in a way that seems perfectly natural and not pushy. You both need to be comfortable.
Flirting body language will send messages to the object of your affections that you might not yet have words. If you use open gestures when you flirt with a guy, he'll pick up on them, perhaps without even realizing it.
These gestures would be things like uncrossed arms, leaning forward instead of back, and standing straight and facing the guy rather than half turning away. And of course you want that friendly smile.
Learning to flirt in this open way will give him all the signals that you're interested.
To read more Tips And Ideas You Can Use To Flirt With A Guy

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