Friday, 23 July 2010

Eyes Wide Open With Online Relationships

There are steps you can take to ensure that you are not the next victim of a dating scam. First and foremost, do not give your real name online. You can reveal your identity to your date after you get to know her a little better. After you build your confidence, you are sure of her details and know she is not a scam artist.

Personal information like your email address and phone number, should not be published online. An option to consider, is to use a free email address like hotmail, in order to receive email, to ensure unsolicited email is not coming directly to your personal email address.

Once you become a member of a dating site, you need to attract offers for dates. Your first step is to place your profile on the site, to attract people to you, in order to start online relationships.

But, you need to be careful with the information you place with your profile, as millions of people can see all your information. You need to ensure your personal information is not used by scammers.

To read more Eyes Wide Open With Online Relationships

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