Friday, 25 April 2008

Friendship Rings For Your Real Friends

Friendship rings are given to real friends. These are friends you may have known for years and are always there for support, just as you are there for them. You may even consider giving a friendship ring to a companion you have been dating for a long time and want to show appreciation for her company.

Giving her a ring may give hope that if the relationship continues, there may be an engagement ring. But for the time being you appreciate her company. She may have helped you through a traumatic period in your life and you show your appreciation with a friendship ring.

Friendship rings often avoid a design that may confuse them with an engagement ring or a wedding band, such as a solitary diamond or a plain gold band. These rings can also be homemade with craft beads or similar materials, as the meaning of the ring has little to do with its quality.

You want to show your real friends you care about them, but you do not want to spend too much on expensive friendship rings. But, there are times when an expense is something that shows their friendship really means a lot. Any type of jewellery shows your friendship is valuable.

Your friend may have helped you though a traumatic situation, where their help and advice helped you survive the situation. It may have been a messy break up of a relationship and you needed a shoulder of support. This friendship helped in a time of personal crisis and you did not need to feel you are all alone.

It is easy to show how much you appreciate your friends with friendship rings.

To read more Friendship Rings For Your Real Friends

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