That tricky rat failed to give the cat his invitation. The King wanted a 12th animal so a messenger was sent to earth and the first animal the messenger came across was a pig.
The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are the rat, ox, tiger, dragon, dog, pig, ram, goat, rabbit, snake, horse and monkey. The Chinese zodiac sign for each of these animals is representative of a certain year. The Chinese zodiac works on a twelve year rotation with 2008 being the year of the rat. This is serious business for true believers in the Chinese zodiac.
That poor cat did eventually show up, but alas, too late. All of the Chinese zodiac signs had already been assigned and his spot was given to the pig. The cycle had been set and he missed out on the opportunity just because of the tricky rat.
Maybe somewhere along the lines of history the cat got back at the rat; perhaps the cat put the rat in a hat, upon which he sat. Regardless, it still remains as something of interest, as far as mythological tales are concerned.
To read more The 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs

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