Still, others may prefer a quiet, no-fuss evening inside, curled up in front of the fire with bellies satiated with a gourmet meal and fine wine, and a movie to watch. Assess your lives; what is lacking? Are you always out doing stuff? Then stay in and relax. Are you tense from working too much? Then take the day off, visit a spa together and unwind.
Romantic Valentines run far and wide. You may want to schedule a "his-and-hers/couples" massage at the local spa and make it a surprise! Once you are both floating from the experience, you can have a dinner at a nice restaurant (also scheduled in advance) or indulge in a bottle of wine at home. If you're really creative, then you can create a scavenger hunt with clues that lead to your partner's Valentines gifts.
You can also cut out hearts with construction paper and place them around the house with your favorite love quotes or sayings. If your partner has to work on Valentines Day, send an impressive flower bouquet to work. Remember that there should be three sentiments to express in whatever you do today; thoughtfulness, originality and pampering.
For Girls on Valentines Day, your best bet is to think sentimental and simple. She wants to feel like you've thoughtfully planned something, rather than just threw something together at the last minute. She wants to see that you've listened to her likes and dislikes, so try to jot things down throughout the year that may have been subtle hints.
Hand-written sentiments are always preferred to Valentines Day cards. Take her out to dinner, followed by a scenic champagne toast at the beach or a park or plan a weekend getaway. Jewelry always makes a good gift, yet be sure it's just a necklace, bracelet or earrings because the ring box can torment a girl with expectations that will only end in disappointment if she's waiting for that big day.
Try to talk to her about her expectations beforehand to gauge whether she'd like a night out, a weekend away or a quiet, romantic Valentines night in.
To read more Wild Romance On Valentines Day

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