Even psychologists would advise against basing an entire relationship on whether or not a sign is compatible with your own. But for some followers of astrology, these signs are taken quite seriously and their love matches are something they consider when entering into a new relationship.
It is on science that people can partially base their beliefs in the zodiac signs. For many years astrology and astronomy worked side by side to create a map of the heavens. Early travelers would use these signs as a way to get from destination to destination. Somewhere along the way, astronomy became more devoted to scientific data and astrology to the prognostication aspect.
Compatible zodiac signs are the corner stone of many relationships. People believe in the zodiac signs and what those signs predict. The zodiac sign compatibility is something that they look for in a potential or current partner.
Perhaps it is a reassurance that something good will come out of the relationship and that they will get along. But there is more to a relationship than just the zodiac, and two zodiac signs that are compatible are not the only factors that govern a healthy, lasting relationship.
To read more Finding Compatible Relationships With The Zodiac Signs

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