The betrayed party will always wonder what it was that the other spouse was missing from their marriage. It can make an already difficult situation even worse. It is hard to get over and move past. Divorce attorneys see cheating as the number one reason why two people want to be rid of their marriage ties.
Infidelity comes in many forms. The most prevalent is the husband or wife having a sexual affair outside of their marriage. But emotional cheating can be just as damaging. When one spouse turns to another person for emotional comfort and caring, it can deeply wound the innocent party. It may have never progressed to actual physical intimacy but it still hurts just the same and is still grounds for divorce.
Infidelity does more than end a marriage. It always causes the injured spouse to doubt his or her own value. Did you make your husband/wife cheat? Was there something about your looks or personality that was not good enough?
All manner of questions run through the mind. Divorce laws are on your side if you decide to contact a divorce attorney but it does not make it sting any less.
To read more Infidelity Destroying Marriages

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