Seldom do you run across people in divorce court who just wanted to end the marriage because it was something to do. No, there are usually serious underlying problems in the marriage that have made it impossible for two individuals to live with one another any longer.
In order for divorce to happen, each party must retain the services of a divorce attorney. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need an attorney if it is an uncontested divorce and there are many online divorce forms that you and your spouse fill out and then submit to the court.
If there are children involved or there is going to be a dispute over property or finances, then you will need to contact a lawyer to help ensure that you are properly represented.
The final step for divorce is the paperwork coming before a judge. If you live in a major city, then it could take months before there is an opening on the court docket. But once your day in court arrives and the judge reviews the paperwork from both attorneys representing you and your spouse, the divorce decree will be granted.
It will also be at this time that any financial obligations are settled. Once the judge has signed the paperwork you are a divorced single and you no longer have to answer to your ex. Your divorce is final and you can move on with your life.
To read more Time For Divorce And Paperwork

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