It's this planning together that adds to the bonding experience of the event, after all. Naturally, the first step in planning a reunion is to find out who is invited, who is willing to help and whose addresses you'll need to track down. Once you have the guest list squared away, you'll be well on your way to arranging a memorable gathering.
The best starting point for planning a reunion is to send a general letter out to family members, letting them know that a reunion is in the works. In this letter, you can ask for volunteers, include possible dates, propose a reunion type, ask for suggestions on a general location and inquire for family reunion ideas regarding activities or theme.
As with any invitation, politely request a timely response, so your letter doesn't get shuffled away with other paperwork. You may want to set up a personalized family reunion website at to send with the letter and keep tech-savvy relatives up-to-date with the planning procedures.
Planning a reunion can get complicated when you get to budgeting. While a family reunion cruise or stay in a villa may be within range for you, it will exclude family members with lower incomes.
You may also find that even the "simplest" of gatherings -- the one at someone's home -- can turn into a huge expense bill once you add up all the food and the drinks. Hopefully you sent out those surveys and got a sense of what people could afford.
There are many ways to budget a less elaborate party. Some hosts charge each family member $10 or $20 to cover the family reunion location cost or ask that everyone "bring a dish."
There are many intricacies when planning a family reunion, but you'll find the end result is worth the effort.
To read more Tips And Ideas For Planning A Reunion

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