This may be a modern form of the traditional matchmaking service. Some sites use the word in their url, like; yet even those that don't still offer Jewish matchmaker services, as does
The sort of matchmaking service that is meant most often today is one that adds some kind of personal touch in the search for a compatible mate, even in what might be thought of as an impersonal website context.
On many Jewish dating internet sites, you place your personal information in the appropriate text fields, usually with a picture or two, and anyone else who is a member can look over your info and initiate contact. And vice versa, of course.
But if you feel that method leaves you too vulnerable, or is too hit and miss, well what then? Is it too much to expect some extra help from a free Jewish introduction site?
The matchmaking services for new Jewish singles primarily involve the staff working personally with members, to get to know them so that genuine matches can be found.
This doesn't just involve filling out detailed questionnaires, but often means further communication between the single person and the staff, to discover goals, attitudes, priorities and lifestyle choices.
The website goes so far as not to allow members to view other people's information. Instead it assigns one or two of its 300 matchmakers to work with each member and find truly compatible matches for them.
With this and other free Jewish introduction sites taking their needs so seriously, young people can have more confidence that they may, indeed, find a life partner.
To read more Free Jewish Matching With Dating Services

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